2024 International Conference on Biomedicine and Intelligent Technology(ICBIT 2024)
Home / Venue


-Yaduo S NetEase Yanxuan Hotel, Gongbei Port, Zhuhai -

地址2.pngAddress: 167 Shihua West Road, Xiangzhou District, Zhuhai

Ⅰ. Information:

Hotel Website:click 


Ⅱ. Room Booking:

You can call the front desk + +86-0756-3379666 before August 19, please inform you are a guest of the "AIEC Conference", and then enjoy the agreed price.

Ⅲ. Direction:

* Zhuhai Jinwan International Airport: 38.6km;47mins

* Zhuhai Station:4.7km; 15mins

Ⅳ. Tips:

For non-Chinese Attendees, "Bring me to the hotel" card is available. You can show it to the taxi drivers and they will take you to the hotel.

